APBT CH Tahiti

ABKC CH Tahiti
Owned by Laura Phillips
Born from Battle
Owned by Laura Phillips
Born from Battle
Christopher “Bully the Kid” Bennett
If it were easy everyone would do it. If it were simple then all would accomplish it. Yet when it comes to titling an American Pit Bull Terrier in the American Bully Kennel Club the struggle is real. It’s a battle at times to have them added to a show line up, a fight to find competition, and a battle to garnish respect against your more substance having cousins in the best in show ring.
Yet in Florida the Beach Bound Bullies team of Laura Phillips and her Champion APBT Tahiti have been primed for battle. Constantly carrying the flag for their breed, all while competing at the highest of levels to earn Top Dog honors in 2019, only the second female to do so for the APBT, and only one of a handful of females to earn the coveted #1 dog honors in the registry for any breed. She won her first Best in Show at barely a year old, and now at two she is looking better than ever and her goals are within her reach. From weight-pulling, to dock diving, and obedience as well as the coveted Grand Champion title... Tahiti is coming to accomplish all she can before becoming a first time mother.
2020 has been challenging in itself, coming off a momentous Nationals for the breed, the breed ring was prepped to be the best year yet for the American Pit Bull Terrier... then Covid-19 delivered a knockout blow to shows and its competitors. Yet when your ancestors come from those who have always fought from the bottom, you shake it off, grit your teeth and fight harder.... and when it comes to Tahiti... she was born for the battle ahead.
—Bully Supplies 2020 mascot Tahiti of Beach Bound Bullies